Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Some general tips for fellow costume-maker beginners

Stuff I wish I knew from the start...

1. Costume drafting is a life saver
Whenever you feel unsure if you made the right set of patterns for a costume, always test it on a cheap fabric first. Sure it can be more time consuming but better than the possibility of wasting expensive and/or good quality fabric if the whole thing doesn't work.

2. You don't have to replicate everything to a T
Sometimes we obsess so much on trying to copy every single detail of the character we wanted to cosplay even if they're borderline impossible. Fictional wardrobes can sometimes be out-of-this-world but that doesn't stop most of us from producing excellent craftsmanship. It's good to excel in a field that you are passionate about but when it starts to cause more harm than benefit, then it's completely ok to shift it to a style you are more comfortable and happy doing.

Or skirt too short for your comfort? Add an inch or two. It's totally fine and if somebody points out that you're doing it wrong, suffocate them with your thighs.

3. Include cosplay photos in your reference materials
If you're the type who gets easily intimidated by other people's cosplays then this won't work easily for you but otherwise try to include a few existing photos of similar cosplays as a reference guide. It's a great example to follow and already gives you an idea on how the final output can possibly look in real life. It also helps you keep a realistic view in planning your costumes.
I wonder how those outfits would fit in a real human body...
Is that hair even possible?
Is this shade of fabric ok?
I've only seen this character in a manga I don't even know what wig color I'm going to use...
As a little bit of continuation from the previous item, sometimes we stress too much when we can't find the right materials for our costume but then you see these other cosplays looking just as good even without the exact copied details...
"oh, it's ok to just try this alternaive stuff instead after all..."

4. These apps exist
They're perfect for keeping in touch with the community and your cosplay projects.

5. Mechanical first before chemical
We all know hot glue saves lives but if it's also possible to bond your materials via a machine then it's usually recommended to go with that method. Most of the time, not only is it maintenance and repair-friendly, it also has a cleaner finish. Anything that involves chemicals can sometimes be permanent and difficult to salvage when encountered with damages.

6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Don't beat yourself up whenever things doesn't turn out the way you want it to. Mistakes are part of the learning process. If you're always too afraid to try out new things you'll never grow and improve. Style that wig, cut that fabric or try on that new makeup. I understand there can be major losses in taking these types of risks but i guess sometimes there are prices we can't avoid to pay. However, there is no need do it by leaps and bounds. Baby steps may be slower but can still take you just as far. Wig styling? Practice on cheaper wigs first, Too afraid to cut that expensive fabric? See #1. Curious to try that new makeup brand but unsure if they're good? There's probably a review or two about that product somewhere on the internet.

Lately I've been trying to be more hands-on with wigs so I started with trimming/styling bangs and making waves/curls which still needs more work but I'm glad I took this stride and I'm quite happy with my progress. Cosplay is a huge community now and there are countless people out there who are willing to help if you just ask properly.

Any general advice to add?


  1. merci beaucoup pour ces tips,je achète le costume ici: je pense que certain qui ne sait pas coudre peut aussi acheter sur ce site.

  2. I'm so bad with number 2 sometimes. lol At times, I can get so obsessed with wanting to replicate everything perfectly on my cosplays, I let my frustration and "perfectionism" cloud my judgement sometimes. However, when that happens, I usually take a break from sewing and come back a couple of days later with a clearer mind and "fresh eyes", realizing that I don't need to have everything perfect all of the time, and as long as I'am happy with the work I have done ("perfect" or not), then that is all that should matter. :)

    Also, just wanted to say that I love your blog. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you! :D
      Yeh, I keep over-expecting so much out of myself sometimes that I end up being disappointed when it doesn't go exactly as I envisioned. But after a few breathers with less stressed eyes, you tend to see stuff in a new light and think, "wow I really did that". And it's something worth being proud of.


