Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Last Photoshoot of the Year: Chiyuki - Death Parade BTS

Before turning over to a new year, I wanted to at least have one final photoshoot when I get back to my hometown and since my friend and photographer is also around the area, I figure why not.

It was a little impromptu. Dan and I originally planned for a Setsuka Heel cosplay reshoot but considering all the things I had to pack for that (I still had to travel three hours by bus from work city to home), I decided to use Chiyuki from Death Parade instead since she doesn't have any decent shots yet.

photo by: Dan
assistant: Fraimu
post-processed by Leddy

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Holiday Gift Ideas for Cosplayers

They say practical gifts always go a long way so for this upcoming holiday season if you're running out of ideas on what to give your cosplay friends as presents, I've listed some of the things that will probably be found in their wishlist.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Motivation: How to Get Back on Cosplay Track

Cosplaying isn't just about the magic of transformation. Behind every costume is a cosplayer's blood, sweat and tears. Not everything can be accomplished in just one try and when we cannot get anything right, we get so frustrated to the point of giving up and just not doing anything.

Getting back to the zone is not always easy and forcing yourself to do so does not always end up well. However, sometimes all we need is a little push and the right trigger to get back on track. So before rage quitting, take deep calming breaths and try if the methods I've listed below worked as well as it did for me.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lace-Up Boot Cover Tutorial

Buying a new pair of lace-up boots just for cosplay is pricey and impractical(i don't exactly wear boots on average days) for a thrift cosplayer like me. I did consider looking into thrift stores and second-hand shops but none had lace-up boots for my Setsuka Heel cosplay so I had no other choice but to make one myself. I already had most of the raw materials lying around so the total cost in making them didn't exceed 100Php.

It was tedious and nerve-wrecking since it was my first time and I couldn't find any guide/tutorials close enough to what I wanted to do so I had to plan everything from scratch. But despite much groping in the dark, they turned up quite alright so for those who are looking into spending less and willing to slave away precious nights for it, hopefully this tutorial will provide you at least with ideas in crafting similar-type projects.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hoshizora Rin Love Live No Brand Girls Cosplay Breakdown and Progress Shots

Not exactly a complete tutorial but made a costume breakdown of my recent Love Live cosplay. I'm still a complete amateur when it comes to the sewing department so most of them are a result of multiple trial and errors but hopefully it will inspire ideas for other cosplayers who are thinking of cosplaying the same character or something similar. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Con Journal: Iinchou goes to Cosmania 2015

Cosplay Mania is one of the biggest cosplay convention here in the Philippines. With guests coming from different parts of the globe, it's been one of the most highly anticipated cosplay event here in the country and I finally had the chance to attend the said event for the very first time.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Thrift Cosplay Tips: 10 ways to help reduce cosplay expenses

Let's face it, no matter how much you raid that closet or do everything yourself, chances are you are still gonna spend and you're going to spend a lot. Wigs, contact lenses, fabrics, tools, costume/props commissions, make up, conventions... *sigh* If you are seriously considering this hobby, please be aware of the amount of expenses that comes along with it.

However, one should never feel like they are being robbed dry just by doing something they love. Some of you are probably wondering how some cosplayers are able to afford all those cosplays. The answer might either be because they're rich and rolling in dough or they are probably just like the rest of us...but masters in the art of economizing. While I am no master myself, in order to keep up with my hobby, I've managed to teach myself ways that helped me greatly in cutting off excess cosplay expenses and listed them below.

Before proceeding into the list, please keep in mind that cosplay should never get in the way of your basic necessities. No matter how passionate you are, by the end of the day, it will still be just a hobby and it should never ruin your life. Cosplay can wait but your bill will definitely haunt you to the ends of earth. Lastly, be responsible. With that said, hope this list will help you in your future cosplay endeavors.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Cosplay and Adulthood

source: hiwamu | tumblr

I've started cosplaying about four years ago. I was just a college student back then. Being reliant on my parents financially, I didn't have much freedom to cosplay as often as I do now. I didn't want them to burden with additional expenses so I had to find other ways to afford the hobby. That's when I decided to apply as a student assistant in a university dorm, squeezing additional hours despite the busy academic schedule.

I am now an adult with a steady paying job. Between paying bills, supporting my brother's college expenses, keeping up with my social life and affording basic necessities, I still somehow manage to keep my hobby strong. Without academics to worry about, I can finally take my time to improve my costuming skills. I can now sew my own costumes, make props and go to cons as much as I can.

Seems like an age of bliss, right?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Big Hero 6 BTS Photoshoot

I've been meaning to post this on my old journal for a long time but things have been happening and now that I've officially moved my blog, I figure it's about time I post some of my personal cosplays.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cosplay Apps for the Cosplayer You

Boom. Cosplay.
And just like that, it has now become a really big community. Add in social media, internet and technology to the mix and BAM, you can finally get your cosplay senpai to notice you.

On the other hand, there are great people out there who are using these advancement to further connect our growing family and help cosplayers make their journey more fun and less the struggle because nobody should suffer while doing the things they love, right?

I just recently found out about these apps and I'm quite surprised because they're specifically catered to cosplay/ers. I just had to give it a try

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Death Parade: Chavvot Book Cover

For my Chiyuki cosplay, I wanted to add the Chavvot book as part of my costume set. However, after hours of searching through google and even going as far as rewatching the entire series, I couldn't find a straight front image of the book cover.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

7 Factors to Help You Decide What to Cosplay Next

So many characters so little con-time. With that extensive cosplan list, you'd probably have enough character options to fill an entire year.

Although however long that list is, in deciding which characters to cosplay, you'd usually go with your gut feeling. There are always that one or two characters from that long list that stands out the most. But in cases where it's not just one or two....or three, I listed seven factors that usually help with my process of elimination.

