Tuesday, July 30, 2019

RWBY - Emerald Sustrai Trial & Error Worklog Part 2

I know it's been quite a long while since I wrote the first part of this worklog. I've mellowed out a bit in the cosplay scene and decided to just take my sweet time every time I start a new project so I wouldn't be stressed and sleep deprived every upcoming convention.

For now, I'm wrapping up this worklog before starting a brand new project.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

RWBY - Emerald Sustrai Trial & Error Worklog Part 1

I was planning on writing about this worklog after a proper photoshoot but I guess it won't be happening anytime soon and I needed to post something new on my blog since I've been away for too long.

This isn't going to be a proper worklog tutorial though because the entire process is a messy series of trial and errors so it'll mostly be a series of progress photos. But I'll try to explain some of it as much as I can. Also, I'll be splitting this into two parts because if I don't, this post is going to be really long and photo-heavy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019 cosplay updates

[edited 07-29-19]

Happy New Year!

Just lost my affiliation so I'm changing stuff 😅

